The personal computer is dead, long live the personal computing! with @Shadow_France

Image result for PC 1512 AmstradMy first personal computer was an Amstrad PC1512, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... but since nothing had really changed. May be the floppy disk, the number of colours (there was 2... black and white), and other minor details...I have been testing @Shadow_France ( a month now. I'm based in London and the company had only opened subscriptions in France last year but I gave it a try.I'm really addict to my MacBook but I must admit that personal cloud computing is now mature and this is the future of personal computing. Shadow proposes 8 dedicated threads on an Intel Xeon server processor, with 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storage space (not that much), Windows10 and a nvidia 1080GTX GPU (actually a Pro card, so almost best in class option at the moment). Everything available 24/7 for a fixed price (lower than 30pounds/month). This is a total gamer changer (as soon as you have some internet connectivity). The experience is incredible so far. Impossible to make the difference with a local machine and to do multiple things : Unity3D, running training with tensorflow on GPU and of course playing with ultra settings (which is one the major marketing positioning of shadow so far).I'm totally convinced and now a subscriber.... They are now available in France, UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and US California. PC and probably consoles will never be the same.(And with 10€ coupon :

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